Kamis, Oktober 23, 2008

My Bday..yeay!!!

Roses flower from my kids :) I love youu my kiddos!! :)

Roses from  my beautiful sister, Rozy. Thank you sister! :)

4 komentar:

  1. kak ayu..hepi birthday!!
    moga panjang umur dan murah rezki..
    moga bertambah ayu juga.. =)

  2. salam k.ayu!!! hepi birthday taw!!!moga panjang umur sert dimurahkan rezeki yang melimpah ruah....

  3. Thanks Honey..:-)) doa akak selalu semoga Allah sentiasa memberikan limpahan rahmatnya utk kita semua amiin...

  4. Life is not measured by the years we live or the wealth we possess, but by the care and kindness we do, the cheer & love we share n bringto the people whose hearts we've touched... Happy Belated Birthday & may Allah blessings, love, joy & peace abound in u and yr family... Amin



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